
Warrior Stallion...HELMET!

(...a Chrissy present for the "Baron" perhaps? If he believed in Christmas, that is...)


Do NOT get mustard in yer eye!*

*...unless of course you're into that sorta thing. We ain't judgin' here. Whatever...um..."grills your sausage"...so to speak.


Neil Patrick Harris on a "WARRIOR STALLION!!!"

...let the "Romance" begin.

NPH/Unicorn pic (and "WARRIOR STALLION") "borrowed" (*coughstolencough*) from the lovely @verso 's Twitter page.

Hm. I wonder if "WarriorStallionDotCom" is still up for grabs? DotOrg? (DotNet? NEVER!!!)


My eternal soul...or bacon? *Hmm...*

(...'coz there's always 'confession', right? Right?? ...hullooo???)



...it's the "Patrick Starfish" poster that makes this GOLD!


I'm..um...er, still XP.

Bacon Tie?

...bacon+tie and Google? *THIS* is front and center.
Yes, that may very well BE a "bacon-tie"...
...now if only I can explain the rest of the pic...

Killer Condom...

..."Cinema" is the WINNER!

Check out the trailer...then buy it! NOW!

H.R. Giger, "Creative consultant"???...Wow, dude was slumming it. Bless 'im.

bacon - before and after

before ...

after ...